What is Breasts Disease?

Autoimmune disease is a condition where your body’s immune system attacks healthy cells. According to the NIH, up to 23.5 million Americans (more than seven percent of the population) suffer from an autoimmune disease—and the prevalence is rising.

Everything you need to know about Autoimmune disease

A-Z Disease List

We’ve meticulously compiled a list of articles on each recognised Autoimmune condition. All the information about a particular disease is precisely summarized here.

Autoimmune Basics

This is the first step in learning about immune-mediated diseases and autoimmunity. Learn what Autoimmune disorders are, its types, risk factors, doctors and more.

Common Symptoms

Despite the fact that each disease has its own set of signs and symptoms, some of them may be present in both related and distinct disorders. Here is a list of some common symptoms.

Risk Factors

While the exact causes of autoimmune diseases is still unknown, there are certain risk factors that are believed to impact immune tolerance and may lead to the development of autoimmune conditions. Learn more about the common risk factors.

Diagnosis of AD

A timely diagnosis is essential for treating any disease and preventing severe cases. Here is a thorough list of all the tests required to identify an autoimmune condition.

Latest Research

Learn about the most recent advancements in the field of immunity. Our team curates ongoing research and simplifies it for common people.

Resources & Support

Browse our resource lists and information via the links below.

Support Group

Your autoimmune journey can be full of hope. Discover and connect with support groups committed to building an inclusive environment for people affected by autoimmune disorders and chronic illnesses.

Read Stories

In both the social and medical spheres, patients may experience a sense of being invisible and unheard. We hope that by sharing these stories, we might lessen the isolation that autoimmune disease patients frequently experience and help family members and friends understand what it could be like for them.

Podcasts & Apps

This curated list of podcasts covers a wide array of subjects, such as nutrition, finding community, mind-body medicine, rare diseases, and managing life with a chronic illness

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